

动机 motivations

\text{Solution sets } \left { x^2+y^2+z^2 = 1 \right } \
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\text{topological spaces}


  • Have machinery that gives us general information about spaces that is insentive to collapse and various other things.
  • We also need to decide on a family of topological space that we are interested in Cell complex and CW complexes.

胞腔复形 cell complex


  • Open $n$-cell: topolical space homemeomorphic to the open unit ball $\mathbb B ^n$
  • Close $n$-cell: topolical space $\overline{\mathbb B ^n} = \mathbb B ^n \cup \mathbb S ^{n-1}$.

If $D \subset \mathbb R ^n$ is a compact convex subset weith nonempty interior, then $D$ is a closesd $n$-cell and its interior is an open $n$-cell.
In fact, given any point $p \in \mathrm{Int} D$, there exist a homeomorphism $F:\overline{\mathbb B ^n} \to D$ that sends $0$ to $p$, $\overline{\mathbb B ^n}$ to $\mathrm{Int} D$ and $\mathbb S ^{n-1}$ to $\partial D$.


  • Every closed interval in $\mathbb R$ is a closed 1-cell
  • Every polygons in $\mathbb R ^2$ are closed 2-cells

Cell decompositions

attaching cells to a given topological space $X$:
Given ${D_{\alpha}}_{\alpha \in A}$ and indexed collection of close $n$-cell foe some fixed $n \ge 1$. we can glue them to X via continous maps $\varphi _\alpha: \partial D \to X$ as follows: Let $\varphi :\bigsqcup_\alpha \partial D_\alpha \to X$ be the map restriction to each $\partial D_\alpha$ is $\varphi_\alpha$ We can then form the cadjunction space $X \cup_\alpha (\sqcup _\alpha D_\alpha)$.


Cell decomposition

If $X$ is a nonempty topological space, a cell decomposition of $X$ is a partition $\xi$ of $X$ into subspaces that are open cells of various dimensions, such that the following condition is satisfied: for each cell $e \in \xi$ of dimension $n \ge 1$, there exists a continuous map $\varPhi$ from some closed $n$-cell $D$ into $X$ (called a characteristic map for $e$) that restricts to a homeomomorphism from $\mathrm{Int}D$ onto $e$ and maps $\partial D$ into the union of all cells of $\xi$ of dimensions strictly less than $n$.



这个要求保证,如果存在一个胞腔分解,那么我们就可以用之前的办法来构造这个空间. 事实上,$\varPhi$本身给出了一个将这个子部分与其他地方连接的“连接方式”。在有限的情况下,我们可以认为,这其实给出了用一堆胞腔去粘连出这个cell complex(定义如下)的方法,因此,我们可以用胞腔去分析它 了。

Cell complex

A cell complex is a Hausdorff space $X$ together with a specific cell decomposition of $X$.

Finite cell complex

A finite cell complex is one whose cell decomposition has only finitely many cells.

local finite

A cell complex is called locally finite if the connection of open cell is “locally finite”.

CW complex

CW complex

A CW complex is a complex $(X,\xi)$ satisfying:
(C, closure finiteness): The closure of each cell is contained in a union of finitely many cells.
(W, weak topology): The topology of X is coherent with the family of closed subspaces ${\overline e | e \in \xi}$

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